
Archive for the ‘Seniors’ Category

Cheyann called me late this summer to ask about senior portraits. We’ve had to work around colder, wet fall weather, but have taken some fabulous pictures! She ended up becoming my senior rep (like a PR person).

One of my favorite things about photographing Cheyann is her easy smile. I was surprised recently when she said that she had never been comfortable, before these sessions, showing her teeth to a camera. Now she knows how beautiful her smile is. That’s what I like best about being a photographer!

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L&G visited Oregon over Christmas, and we fit some mini-sessions in between rainstorms. Most of these images were taken in Neskowin, Oregon.

Hanging out on the rocks

It was really windy!

G is quiet elegance (even in a sweatshirt, let alone this classy coat), rain or no.

Dancing on the beach!

L has an easy smile and rock-star good looks.

Thanks to you both for sharing your vacation with the camera!

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For part 2 of M’s senior photos, we went to a field.  I had an assistant holding a diffuser, which let us use the warm evening sunlight.  As always, M was lovely and great fun to photograph. 

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Senior onstage

This senior decided she’d like a Zumba shot in her senior portfolio, and we arranged for her to dance on the stage for five minutes before a Zumba show started.  There were probably 100 people already there.

The room was quite dark except for the spinning lights.  For this particular shot, I dramatized the lighting with a photo filter, and I added a few more splashes of light.  I love the effect, and I love M’s confidence!

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Before her senior year, M and I went to Minto Brown for some field and forest, gypsy-ish shots. Now she’s decided to get some more sophisticated pictures. We’re going to do two or three mini-sessions. Here are just a couple of my favorites from the first mini-session, shot in a downtown alley. It started raining right as we began, so we were ducking back and forth from a covered doorway for a few shots at a time. ..

M’s elegance shone right through the rain!

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Here are some shots of M, a gorgeous Salem senior, in Minto Brown Park last week.  We went back into the woods a bit with my softlighter (gathering several mosquito bites apiece!), then trekked down a path to a small field.  M was great fun to photograph — she’s willing to play, and has a ready smile.  Enjoy!

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