
Posts Tagged ‘children portraits’

I’ve been waiting to share this fall photo session; several photos from it were planned for Christmas presents, so I couldn’t share until January. 

The goal for this session was to get a nice head-and-shoulders 8×10.  Done!  In fact, A’s mom chose several different head-and-shoulders images, showing different looks.  A is such a beautiful little girl, and we really connected in this shoot. I was delighted that they came to Salem to let me capture some of that animated five-year-old personality.

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The W family flew in to Oregon on Veteran’s Day for a quick weekend trip to the mom’s alma mater, where she was being honored, and she asked if I could drive up for a photo session before the festivities.   This was my third photo session with S, who’s now almost two, and my first with B, who’s seven months.

We started inside the W’s bed&breakfast, in a well-lit alcove, and eventually moved out to the balcony. Lots of cute images on the wicker chairs there! S has beautiful manners, signing “please” and not throwing a tantrum when we said no more Jack-in-the-box play at the end of the session. Both she and her brother are happy and fun.


B&T, I hope you enjoy this sneak peek! S&B are charming; I’m still thinning down all the cute images. <: Thanks to J and the grandparents for their help!

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I first photographed C this summer. This second mini-session was right after he turned 18 months. It’s a really fun age for photo sessions; C is wonderfully interested in his world!  Leaves, birds, my stepladder, dandelions, spiders….  C enjoyed them all.

Watching the birds

Beautiful fall colors and a beautiful family!

Throwing leaves

 M&J, your preview sheets will be ready in a few days.  Thanks for sharing your Sunday afternoon! 

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We met for S’s two-year session at the Crooked House Playground last weekend. She is a lively, happy child with gorgeous eyes, a contagious laugh, and a lot of energy!

S loves the swings! She’s also a great climber.

Peek-a-boo out the Crooked House windows.

J&S, thanks for sharing your cutie! Preview sheets will be ready soon.

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and she can tie them herself!

Baby E’s big sister, B, “sat” for a few photos in the middle of the newborn session.

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My new portrait lens (an 85 1.4) blurs the background more than my 50 1.8, and gets great head-and-shoulder pictures.  Isn’t this a beautiful image of my E?

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S was my first newborn as a photographer, a bit over two years ago. I returned to Eugene last weekend to photograph him and his family again. Lovely people, inside and out! S was full of bustling energy. “Walk! Own!” (on his own — i.e., by himself)

J&M brought his rocking horse to the park, so we started with that. Then there was lots of following him around, catching the different expressions as he explored his world. Great fun!  J&M, thanks for sharing your morning with me!  The rest of your preview images will be ready in a few days.

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I thought today that I’d document a mini-session for readers, using my younger daughter. It didn’t quite work — at three, she’s already accustomed to both the camera and my attention-getting tricks, so it was an atypical session! (For example, she insisted that we begin the session in the same corner of the deck where I’d taken photos last time….) Still, she was cooperative overall, so here are some images to share. Out-takes in b&w. <:

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DW is the younger boy in the family we stayed with in Juneau.  He split his knee open the evening we arrived, but that didn’t slow him down for long.  (Admittedly, he didn’t get to jump on the trampoline.)  We played a lot of games, waded at the beach, played at playgrounds…  It was a treat to have such a cooperative, photogenic boy in front of my camera!

DW — and the rest of you –, thanks for a great time!

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Last weekend I had a mini-session with C and his parents at Bush Park.  C is a happy little boy; great fun to photograph!  He’s right at the end of crawling, and spent most of his time on his feet  (I think in this particular photo with his parents, he was pulling away trying to walk by himself.), but we were also able to capture the crawling stage. 

M&J, thanks for letting me photograph this time in C’s life. I love photographing toddlers, and he embodies what’s most fun about them — curiosity about and enjoyment of the world! 

And his frequent, engaging smiles were a bonus.  <:

The full preview set will be waiting when you return from vacation.  Talk to you soon!

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