
Posts Tagged ‘Sarah Starr Photography’

So far, Facebook is winning for me.  I can’t seem to keep up with both places.  I turn around, and Poof!, it’s been another two or three months since I’ve posted here!  For any WordPress readers who are also on Facebook, you might want to check me out at www.facebook.com/sarahstarrphotography; I post almost a photo a day there.   I still plan to use Wordpress for longer posts, though, and collections.  Here, for today, is a set from an evening at a harbor in Juneau, Alaska.A cool knot D_20110621_0115-Edit D_20110621_0120-Edit D_20110621_0121-Edit D_20110621_0122-Edit D_20110621_0132-Edit D_20110621_0143-Edit D_20110621_0155-Edit D_20110621_0167-Edit D_20110621_0176-Edit

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These are part of a family session, but the parents have asked that the children’s pictures not be posted online. Lots of love….

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I spent three hours at the Worldbeat Festival this year, camera in hand. Not as much time as I’d like, but enough to enjoy several dancer troupes and to get a few direct portraits.

Hand/arm trouble, so no individual comments this time. I’m taking the quickest upload route!


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Yorkshire Terrier puppies! (even though they don’t look like their parents yet)

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Treble Clef

Overembellished Rapier?

A block from my house, grape vines line a shaded path. It’s next to a rope swing, and my girls are 3 and 5, so I spend a lot of time hanging out there!
My favorite time to photograph the vines is now, winter; the path is often poorly lit, but the bare, twisted vines show wonderfully improbable shapes. Check out the treble clef (aka G clef — G for grapes…. <: ).

Eye of the Storm



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For outdoor, natural-light photography, you want to be aware of the light. Where is it falling? What is behind your subject? How is it coloring the scene?

If the background is well lit and your subject is not, consider alternative positions, or even wait until the sun is at a different angle.

Same Leaf, One Hour Apart

This is a dramatic example of how vast a change a single hour can make.

I was first attracted to the bright green peeking through the leaf’s hole. An hour later, the leaf caught my attention again; the background was shaded, with light directly hitting the leaf.

(I like the second image better! How about you? The comment link is under the post.)

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The W family flew in to Oregon on Veteran’s Day for a quick weekend trip to the mom’s alma mater, where she was being honored, and she asked if I could drive up for a photo session before the festivities.   This was my third photo session with S, who’s now almost two, and my first with B, who’s seven months.

We started inside the W’s bed&breakfast, in a well-lit alcove, and eventually moved out to the balcony. Lots of cute images on the wicker chairs there! S has beautiful manners, signing “please” and not throwing a tantrum when we said no more Jack-in-the-box play at the end of the session. Both she and her brother are happy and fun.


B&T, I hope you enjoy this sneak peek! S&B are charming; I’m still thinning down all the cute images. <: Thanks to J and the grandparents for their help!

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